ATTENTION:  Safety & Security Consultants now has a Cybersecurity Division.  Click here for more details.


Our Services

Given today’s violence at our workplace, schools, churches, and public venues across the country, incident response planning is essential for every organization nationwide.
Safety Security Consultants List of Services

Unique 8 step Process

Given today’s violence at our workplace, schools, churches, and public venues across the country, incident response planning is essential for every organization nationwide.

Identify Security Integration Needs

Identify Communication Needs

PDF Building Assessments with Recommendations

Safe Room Identification

Law Enforcement Notification

Conduct Drills

Develop Standard Operating Procedures

Cost Analysis Support

Learn what to say during a 911 call

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Training Category

Public Safety

Recommended Participants

Property Manager’s, CEO’s, Mental Health Institutions, Hospitals, Corporate Security Professionals, Risk Professionals from the Private and Public sector, Local, County, and State Government Facilities, Private, Public, Charter, and Magnet Schools and Universities.

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Suggested Number of Participants

Training’s are only limited by the accommodations provided by the host training site. All consulting fees are based on the services provided and the number of participants.

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ATST Course Outline

ATST is a 3 hour informational training  NOT A TACTICAL TRAINING COURSE.

Brief Program Description

ATST is an educational program that teaches individuals and organizations how to properly respond to an Active Threat Scenario or Active Shooter situation. This training is an interactive program encouraging individuals to engage with the instructors. The SSC curriculum is adapted from the teachings of LT. Colonel Dave Grossman U.S. Army (Ret.), U.S. Homeland Security Department, University of Central Florida, and Pittsburgh Bureau of Police SWAT Team recommendations. The information presented acts as a guide for the participants who may find themselves involuntarily in an Active Threat or Active Shooter Situation.

Program Outcomes

ATST will present individuals with information and tools designed to assist staff in making critical decisions. ATST develops an appropriate plan of action organization specific and teaches employees how to effectively and efficiently communicate and respond when Law Enforcement arrives to a critical incident. ATST strives to teach employees how to mitigate losses and limit targets of opportunity during an actual event.

Program Goals and Objectives